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ABA Consultancy

ABA Consultancy: 

acornABA provides individualised ABA instruction to children aged 2-18 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or who are demonstrating traits in line with ASD but not yet diagnosed. Instruction can be provided in the home, school, nursery or community, and every case is reviewed and analysed on an individual basis.  ABA can be provided for children and adolescents with both profound autism, and higher functioning autism such as Asperger’s Syndrome. 


Each consultancy begins with a short observation and an initial assessment which reviews the child’s strengths and difficulties in a number of areas including (but not limited to): 

  • Communication (speaking) 
  • Communication (listening) 
  • Conversational skills 
  • Social development 
  • Play based skills
  • Academic skills 
  • Linguistic skills 
  • Learning to learn (foundation) skills
  • Life skills 
  • School readiness skills


From these initial observations and assessment, a programme tailor-made to the child will be developed and the ABA team trained on implementing the targets and strategies provided. 


The programme developed by the Consultant, is then provided daily by a team of tutors.  The number of hours that the child receives ABA instruction for, varies depending on a number of factors including; current educational provision, financial implications, intensity of programme requirement and availability of the Tutors and family.  Most ABA programmes are delivered for 20-40 hours per week.  ‘Early intensive behavioural intervention' requires 35-40 hours of instruction per week, this is the most intensive form of ABA therapy.


The programme is closely monitored by a board certified behaviour analyst (BACB.COM) who reviews and reflects on the programme on average every month.  The Consultant’s visit is referred to as a ‘Workshop’ where the family, Tutors and any other relevant staff are present to review progress and make changes for the month to come.  During the Workshop, the team’s practice is reviewed and training is given.