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ABA Parent Training Workshops

ABA Parent Training: 


acornABA provides parent training in different locations across England, on a variety of different topics.  These training sessions are designed to provide knowledge and strategies for parents with a variety of backgrounds, experiences and on different stages of their journeys. 


What benefits can the training bring?

The training sessions are designed to build your confidence in managing the needs of you child, and are designed to help tackle some of the more challenging situations that you and your family may face.  The training can provide opportunities to learn and practice new skills and strategies as well as meet some like minded parents! These workshops are interactive and practical, attendees are invited to take part in the activities and learn through practice.  


Why might you need training? 

The topics of the workshops provide sessions that will be useful to a variety of parents and their experiences.  The ‘Introduction to ABA’ provides and good foundation to understanding the principles of ABA, and can give you the basic knowledge needed before embarking on a programme with your child.  The ‘Management of Challenging Behaviour’ workshop can be useful for parents who are experiencing some behavioural difficulties and would benefit from learning some strategies that you can employ yourselves at home.  ‘Autism and Puberty’ is a popular subject for parents who’s children are transitioning from childhood to adolescence.  This can be a difficult time for any child and parent to manage, and when autism is added to the mix… some guidance is often welcome! 


These are a few of the topics offered to parents, but workshops can be tailor made and on request Sarah can develop a workshop based to address your needs and wants.